Dit krijg je erbij:
digital PowerPoint presentation, digital checklist, digital certificate of participation, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Are you not satisfied with the result of your training? Then follow this training again within 6 months for free.
Dan krijgen de 3e, 4e, 5e of 6e deelnemer 20% korting.
Meld je 7 of 8 deelnemers aan? Die 7e en 8e krijgen 60% korting!
✓100% tevredenheidsgarantie
Niet tevreden? Je mag binnen 6 maanden deze training opnieuw bij ons volgen op onze kosten.
In this active online training course Virtual sales calls with impact, you will learn the do's and don'ts for a professional personal video sales conversation.
How do you come across online? Conducting sales conversations via video calling: how do you present yourself and communicate in the best possible ways from behind your screen? Does your message come across online as though you were physically present?
You expand your communication and presentation skills, so that you can communicate your message online in a comfortable manner, the same way you would a face-to-face conversation.
You will (soon) be conducting online sales conversations with customers. You want to know how to present yourself in the best possible way and how to communicate as well as possible from behind your screen. You want to get the best return from professionally conducted, personal video sales conversations.
In a face-to-face conversation, you use your communication skills effortlessly. You want to expand your communication and presentation skills and learn to use them in a different way, so that you can make contact with your customer in the same comfortable way in a video sales conversation.
The train2work Virtual sales calls with impact training course consists of an online meeting that takes 4 hours, via Microsoft Teams. You will meet the trainer and the other participants in this online environment.
How to participate
You’ll need:
a laptop or PC with a webcam and a microphone;
a good internet connection;
a quiet learning environment.
If you register, you will receive an invitation with login details a few days before the training.
You will receive a homework assignment in advance: you will prepare an online interview in advance.
Interactive and practical
The training starts with a 1-hour interactive introduction. After this session, during a break, you will put "the finishing touches" on your online presentation. After this, you will give your presentation to the group. You will receive feedback from the group and the trainer.
The trainer provides an engaging meeting. You discuss the theory together, share knowledge and experiences, practice, experiment, give and receive feedback.
The language of instruction is English.
Small group, lots of attention
The group consists of a maximum of 6 participants. There is room to brainstorm and exchange experiences about situations from your own work.
This training Virtual sales calls with impact costs 395,- excluding VAT477,95 including VAT.
This is included: ✓digital PowerPoint presentation ✓digital checklist ✓digital certificate of participation ✓100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Are you not satisfied with the result of your training? Then follow this training again within 6 months for free. Are you not satisfied with the result of your training? Then follow this training again within 6 months for free.
Show all prices:
Payment method
You will receive an invoice no later than 2 weeks before the start of this training.
You can register directly for this trainingVirtual sales calls with impact.
You will receive a confirmation by e-mail. 10 days before the training you will receive our invitation with more information about your participation.
You are most welcome on our location Lange Kleiweg 14 in Rijswijk, right next to Rijswijk station.
Inschrijven training Virtual sales calls with impact
Inschrijven is heel eenvoudig. Vul hieronder je gegevens in en bevestig je aanmelding. Dan reserveren wij direct je plek in de training Virtual sales calls with impact.
Ja. Je ontvangt eerst een bevestiging van je inschrijving. Uiterlijk 10 werkdagen voorafgaand aan de training ontvang je een definitieve bevestiging met meer informatie over de start van de training.
Je ontvangt je lesmateriaal tijdens de training
of workshop. Voor digitaal lesmateriaal krijg je een inlogcode uitgereikt. Daarmee kun je je lesmateriaal vanaf onze website downloaden.
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